To meet the high demands of our customers, and our own quality standards, we are announcing semi-annually the option of special orders via a newsletter.
Some select products will then be available only at this time. This gives us the possibility to guarantee the freshness of the products, and the customer the opportunity special sizes and special, rare items to order.
I myself find it again and again as annoying, when a dealer takes products due to low demand from the range. We want to avoid this, and hope your wishes to come a little closer.
Volker Koch
| About us
Koch International Im- und Exports specializes in the trading of rarities on the specialties and spirits market. | | The Shop
In our online shop you will find all the currently available exclusive products. Out of stock products please inquire!
The next delivery date will be announced via our newsletter. Your pre-orders we are happy to take any time to even e-mail. The Grappa "Rugiada delle Alpi" it all started. This wonderful drink is the first, which has not only meet our stringent requirements, but has an authoritative standard. Originally, traditionally made with love. We are still trying to find products with high quality and purity, and to expand our range soon. | | News
Next estimated shipping! Early December 2014. |